Features of the Use of the Verb «open» in Chinese and Russian
Verb «To Open», Chinese language, Russian Language, Language Transfer, TranslateAbstract
Studies of the mistakes that Russian-speaking students make when learning Chinese show that one of the most common mistakes is the use of the verb «开 (to open)» with inappropriate objects. Students do not always take into account the features of the use of the same verb in different languages, which can lead to mistakes. This article analyzes the features of the word use of the verb «to open» with objects in Chinese and Russian in order to determine possible cases of positive and negative influence of language transfer. The research revealed 4 groups of features of the use of the verb «to open» with objects in Russian and Chinese languages: phrases with the possibility of direct translation, phrases typical only for Russian or Chinese, as well as phrases that require explanation. There are much more cases of possible negative transfer when using the verb «开 (to open)» than cases where positive transfer is possible.
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