Exploring Communicative Strategies in ESL Classroom: Perspective of ESL Learners in Focus


  • Russel Aporbo UM Tagum College, Philippines




Communicative Strategies, ESL Classroom, ESL Learners


This qualitative study aimed to investigate the different strategies employed by ESL learners in developing their communicative competence. Linguistic corpora were gathered through in depth interview and focus group discussion. Fifteen (15) participants were purposely selected as it deemed essential to provide rich elaboration of the topic under scrutiny. These learners  Themes emerged are interaction with peers, engaging in multimodal discourse, role of self esteem for language development, active learning through task-based approach. Students to attain communicative competence should have various strategic investments of effort and time as well resources. The use of engaging activities in a language classroom essentially helps learners to practice with their peers and learn from more knowledgeable individuals.


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How to Cite

Aporbo, R. (2024). Exploring Communicative Strategies in ESL Classroom: Perspective of ESL Learners in Focus. Canadian Journal of Language and Literature Studies, 4(1), 60–72. https://doi.org/10.53103/cjlls.v4i1.147


