Teaching English as a Foreign Language to 4th Grade Students by Using Technology
Technology, Foreign Language Learning, Online Education, Computer-Aided Teaching SoftwareAbstract
Language is one of the most important components that affect international communication activities. Technology plays a crucial role for teachers to facilitate language learning for their students. Each language class frequently uses various forms of technology. Technology has been used to help and improve language learning process. With the help of technology, teachers adapt classroom activities by enhancing the language learning process. The study was conducted on 4th grade students studying at different schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education in the 2020-2021 academic year. The study was carried out with a total of 10 students. In this study, qualitative research design was used based on the method used concerning participant observations and in-depth interviews. Motivation scale, presentations for English course and online education and computer-aided teaching software were used to collect data in the study. The results have examined how technology influences foreign language learning and how it aids to students in reading while learning English.
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