Poems in Borobudur Writers: Cultural Reflections and Identity Conflicts
Literature, Culture, Poetry, Poems, Literary Anthropology, Tjahjono WidijantoAbstract
Poetry is a part of literary works that represent the sociocultural life experience of the author which is important to be studied from the perspective of literary anthropology. However, so far research on the literary anthropology of poetry is still very sparse. For this reason, the purpose of this study exists as an effort to explore poetry in the perspective of literary anthropology. The source of the research data is poems by Tjahjono Widijanto published in Borobudur Festival Writers. The research method uses hermeneutics. The results showed that Tjahjono Widijanto's poems are a mirror that reflects values, history, and internal conflicts in Javanese culture in the past. They not only revive cultural heritage, but also strengthen the rich cultural identity in contemporary society. Through the theme of identity and internal conflict, poems by Tjahjono Widijanto illustrate the complexity of the relationship between individuals and their society. For this, language and knowledge are used as tools of power to maintain the dominance of elite groups. This demonstrates the importance of understanding and caring for cultural heritage to build a strong identity sustainably. The implication of this analysis is the need for efforts to understand and respond to cultural dynamics, values, and internal conflicts in society through appreciation of literary works, such as poetry. This is expected to build awareness about the importance of respecting cultural diversity, tolerance, strengthening social relations in a multicultural society.
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