Teaching English Online to Learners of Bangladesh Open University: Expectations and Outcomes
English Language, ODL, Online Teaching, Educational TechnologyAbstract
This study investigated the anxieties and viewpoints associated with teaching English online to the students at Bangladesh Open University in the pandemic situation. The study analyzed the variables that impacted their adjustment to online education. An email-based survey was conducted among English course participants, using a questionnaire that included both open-ended and closed items. The poll focused on students’ comprehension of online education, their perspectives and responses, the benefits and drawbacks of utilizing Zoom, learner engagement, and matters pertaining to learner independence. A focus group interview (FGI) was also conducted with four students from the sample. The study’s findings indicated that online English education could be advantageous when thoroughly investigated, despite the initial difficulties. The utilization of online lectures, monitoring, and scaffolding had a significant role in fostering the development of learner autonomy and reflective practice. At first, learners encountered difficulties like as limitations in technology, inadequate data plans, unreliable networks, and fear or resistance towards technology. Nevertheless, they ultimately discovered the experience to be fulfilling and successfully adjusted to the online format. The findings also revealed the necessity of realizing the term ‘ODL’ (Open and Distance Learning) and its necessity and implementation resulting in positive outcomes on learners.
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