Reflections on Symbolism, Culture, and Moral Impact: A Study of Magical Realism in the Novel Wuni
Literature, Javanese Culture, Symbolism, Morals, Magical RealismAbstract
Until recently, no research has been conducted on magical realism to reflect the cultural symbolism and moral impact in Ersta Andantino's Wuni. The novel not only captures the community's life, but also integrates fantastic elements which enriches the narrative and highlights local cultural values. This research aims to discover and offer critical arguments for Wuni. The focus of the research is: 1) cultural symbolism in Wuni, 2) moral values in Wuni, and 3) representation of magical realism in Wuni by applying Wendy B. Faris' narrative theory of magical realism. This research uses qualitative research methods. The main data in this research is the novel's text, whereas using the hermeneutic technique for analysis. This research identifies and analyzes the elements of magical realism in the novel and discovers the use of fantastic elements, not merely for narrative purposes but also as socially engaged instruments that exposes the complexity of human experience. The results show that symbolism in Wuni serves as a cultural identity that provides insight on the moral dynamics encountered by the characters in the story. The significant implication of this research is that through symbolism and magical realism, literature has the ability to educate and create moral awareness to the readers about relevant social issues.
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