A Comparative Study of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Authentic Materials and Created materials for English Language Teaching
Authentic Content, Produced Material, Teaching Resources, English Items, English As A Foreign LanguageAbstract
This study investigates and contrasts the advantages and disadvantages of using generated materials (made by teachers) instead of natural resources for teaching English. This inquiry was conducted inside a library for the most part. The data for the study come from academic articles and books that discuss forged and genuine sources of information. According to the study's findings, one of the components of practical English as a second language instruction is using authentic or original content such as books, images, videos, and other media not produced to serve as educational tools are examples of natural resources. "Planned materials" refers to books and other goods developed mainly for classroom use. In the real world, lecturers and instructors use educational strategies such as adapting and adopting in two separate ways depending on the context. It is permissible to make alterations to and use as raw material any textbook, even those acquired from retail bookstores. Utilizing authentic content drawn from various sources written in natural language is another viable alternative. It is possible to blend these two kinds of resources in a language lesson to more effectively satisfy the needs of the students and cater to their interests. However, lecturers and teachers must weigh the advantages and disadvantages of inventors and substantial resources in their lessons (teacher-made materials). In order to better the quality of learning, instructors and students alike need access to a variety of different teaching tools. Without instructional resources, it will be difficult for instructors to improve their pupils' learning, and it will be difficult for students to keep up with the learning process in the classroom.
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