An Examination of the Experiences of Turkish ELLs about the Chatbot Apps to Learn English


  • Yunus Yildiz Tishk International University, Iraq



English Learning, Chatbot Apps, Vocabulary, Technology


In education, chatbots have been used as learning environments that provide feedback for students to repeat their knowledge. The aim of this study is to examine Turkish students’ experiences about the chatbot apps they use to learn English. The study was carried out with 21 ELLs using a chatbot app at different ages. In this study, data were collected through semi structured interviews and analyzed using content analysis. The data obtained from the participants were coded and digitized into themes. The research results show that although chatbots have some shortcomings, they are seen as a sincere friend who teaches English. Moreover, participants who stated that they were embarrassed to communicate with live people expressed that learning English with chatbot applications was more convenient for them.


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How to Cite

Yildiz, Y. (2022). An Examination of the Experiences of Turkish ELLs about the Chatbot Apps to Learn English. Canadian Journal of Language and Literature Studies, 2(5), 32–41.


